
Mac OSX Enable Delete to Trash Fix
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I’ve been in a situation recently where I’ve had to wipe my HDD clean and restore my user account back to my iMac via my most [...]

Tomodachi at Rhodes NSW – Opening Hours on Saturday Night
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Here’s one predicament I encountered recently. I wanted to have a nice dinner with the missus and catch a movie afterwards. So [...]

Fixed! Issues Getting Joomla Google Maps Plugin to Work?
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Whilst having difficulties implementing a Google Maps Plugin to work with the 128Bit website, I started digging around, analysing the source [...]

Track Network Usage with vnStat and vnStat PHP Frontend for Ubuntu Linux
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I was recently asked to help assist in determining why a client’s network was downloading more than 8GB per day which appeared to be [...]

Warcraft 3 – The Frozen Throne Install on MacOSX Workaround
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I’m an avid fan of the game DoTA (Defense of the Ancients), which is a Warcraft 3 custom game that seems to have a very large fan [...]

Freelance Challenges
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Working as a freelancer is great in terms of freedom – no one to tell you when to start, work whenever you want to and wear whatever [...]

Welcome to My Portfolio Site
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Hi All, First off, happy new year to you all! As the first start of the new year, I decided that this year will all be about growth. Growing [...]